It is a pear shaped fruit that scores high when it comes to its miraculous health and beauty benefits. Avocado, also known as butter fruit comes loaded with essential nutrients. Traditionally used for treating several health and skincare problems besides being consumed as food, avocados are among the healthiest natural ingredients on the planet.

What is the composition of avocados? Which aspect of health do they benefit in? Yes yes, everything is covered below.

Read on.

Avocado Nutritional Value

Avocado is a great source of all healthy ingredients – Vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, healthy fats etc.

The main ingredients that avocado contains are:

Avocado Nutritional Values
Vitamin C 17%
Vitamin E 10%
Vitamin k 26%
Folate 20%
Potassium 14%

Apart from these main ingredients, Avocados are loaded with fiber, riboflavin, copper, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants.

It has plenty of health aiding benefits, partly because they are low in carbs too.

Avocado Benefits For Health

Moreover, avocado has high amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber, which lowers the risk of cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and obesity.

1. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Avocado has folate in high levels, which prevents the risk of strokes. It also helps in protecting good cholesterol, which reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. It is rich when it comes to its polyunsaturated fat, potassium and monounsaturated fat. Since it contains linoleic and oleic acids, you can expect the benefits of reduced LDL cholesterol and higher HDL (good) cholesterol.

2. Treats Arthritis

A common problem that occurs with age or even with poor health care is arthritis. Making avocado as a part of diet allows the intake of Phytosterols – this in turn slows down the absorption of cholesterol. Avocado is the ultimate remedy for joint pains and joint fixes as it aids in preventing pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E2 synthesis within the connective tissue. So your diet could reduce your pains.

3. Diabetes Prevention

Avocado health benefits include treatment of diabetes. The good fats can reduce insulin resistance and soluble fiber will regulate the blood sugar levels.

4. Protects Liver From Diseases

Avocado has fat content which is told to be ‘good fat’. The purpose of good fat is to lower the bad cholesterol and increase the levels of good cholesterol. This good cholesterol will help clean the blood of toxins and replace the saturated fat with mono saturated fat. This aids in lesser risk of liver hardening and inflammation.

5. Aids Weight Loss

The fat content in avocado is good fat, and good fat is for the well being of the body without causing harm or complications of obesity. Avocados increase and improve the metabolism and help in maintaining a healthy body.

6. Improves Eyesight

Butter fruit has high levels of fiber and carotenoid lutein that protects the eyes from ailments such as cataracts and eye diseases related to age and vision problems. Its consumption also improves eyesight in a major way.

7. Helps Digestion

The avocado nutritional benefits help in aiding digestion. The vitamins present in avocado plays a major role in stimulating your digestion.

8. Strong Nails

Avocado gives you stronger nails that don’t easily break or chip off. This is an easy fruit butter recipe that you can try for stronger nails. All you need to do is just massage your nails and cuticles with avocado oil every night and you will see positive results in few days.

Good health has been guaranteed by Avocado. But aren’t there so many more benefits you would love to have?

So it doesn’t stop here! Avocado has a few promises to make regarding your hair too.

Let’s see what!

Avocado Benefits For Hair

All those shampoo and conditioner commercials getting you a wee bit jealous? Avocado tries to bridge the gap between your hair and the hair shown in ads.

9. Hair Conditioner

For dry hair especially, butter fruit works as an effective conditioner since it is creamy. Massaging your hair with the butter fruit paste, results in soft and healthy looking hair. It effectively conditions damaged and dry hair. It also helps control frizzy hair to a great extent.

10. Regulates Hair Growth

The avocado oil stimulates your hair follicles, which improves blood circulation in the scalp. Hair loss is usually the result of deficiency of Vitamins. So, Avocados solve the problem as they are high in vitamins B and E that strengthen and protect the hair. Vitamin B and E aid and regulate hair growth by working right from the cellular level. Using avocado as a conditioner is the best way to promote hair growth.

11. Moisturizes The Scalp

Dry scalp is a common ailment that bugs us. The avocado or butter fruit oil goes deep into the epidermis layer thereby helping in keeping the scalp moisturized. If you suffer from dry or itchy scalp and have given up hope of ever getting back your healthy problem-free scalp, then try using avocado to treat your scalp worries. Simply mash up a ripe avocado and massage it onto your scalp.

Leave it on for an hour and wash off.

12. Dandruff Remedy

Dandruff treatment is another one of butter fruit benefits. The avocado seeds can be powdered and used as a natural dandruff treatment.

13. Gets Rid Of Split Ends

Split ends can be taken care of by using avocado butter for hair. Dry and brittle hair can be cured by using butter fruit oil. The vitamins and minerals in avocado bonds your hair, trying to mend the brittle ends.

14. Hair Detangler

The oil de-tangles hair without making it greasy. Avocado fruit is known for stimulating hair growth and controlling hair loss. This fruit as a moisturizer improves the hair condition to a good extent.

Gorgeous hair and the best of health aren’t complete without flawless skin, is it?

Avocado Benefits For Skin

How does avocado strive for your flawless skin? It doesn’t even burn your pockets like those cosmetics.

Still does the magic, see how!

15. Reduces Wrinkles

When applied with cocoa butter, it helps in lightening scars and spots and gives you a radiant skin tone.

16. Lessens Skin Breakouts

Regular intake of avocado effectively controls acne or breakouts in the skin. A wonderful skin tonic it is that keeps the skin supple and glowing. Avocado oil gets easily absorbed into the skin and thus penetrates deep into your skin, leaving it well-cleansed, nourished and baby-soft.

17. Nourishes Skin

The juice of avocado, popularly called butter fruit, leaves your skin soft, supple and hydrated when applied on skin. It also helps accelerating the new cell generation and promotes circulation in the body and skin. Mash up an avocado and apply in onto your skin, concentrating on any dry areas. The avocado will penetrate into the skin and deeply moisturize it, leaving you with soft skin.

18. Anti Aging Properties

The butter fruit also has anti-aging properties. It’s antioxidant properties help in fighting the aging process, detoxifies your skin and keeps it soft and supple.

19. Natural Sunscreen

The avocado fruit protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, reducing wrinkles and age spots. Avocado oil can be used as a natural sunscreen which will keep the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays at bay. Avocado oil will also help heal sunburn. You can use butter fruit recipes to protect your skin. So the next time you come home from a day out in the sun, apply avocado oil to your skin to soothe and treat any sun damage.

20. Improves Complexion

Avocado butter for skin is used in various cosmetics which help in skin lightening. It can also give you instant radiance.

It’s mind boggling that one fruit could solve almost all your problems, isn’t it? But are you not a fan of the taste?

Well, to make things easier for you, here are a few avocado mask recipes for your skin. Follow the simple steps without consumption for amazing results.

Avocado Face Masks

Avocado Face Mask With Fruits


  • 1 tbsp. mashed banana
  • 1 tbsp. fresh orange juice
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. mashed avocado


  • Take and blend the mixture till a smooth paste is attained.
  • Apply the paste to your face; keeping it away from the eyes.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Apply this paste twice a week to get smooth and soft skin.

Benefit :

We all are aware of the beauty benefits of fruits. Banana is rich in potassium and orange belongs to the citrus family, which is excellent for the skin.

Homemade Avocado Face Mask With Honey


  • Pulp of 2 avocado
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Lukewarm water


  • Mash the pulp of avocados honey and egg yolk.
  • Mix it properly to form a smooth paste.
  • Apply the mask on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Apply it twice a week.

Benefit :

Honey takes care of skin lightening and giving a natural glow to your skin. It works as a natural anti-ageing mask.

Avocado And Aloe Vera Mask


  • 1 tbsp. aloe vera gel
  • 2 tbsp. avocado pulp
  • 1/2 tbsp. brewer’s yeast
  • Lukewarm water


  • Mix all the ingredients together and make a thick paste out of it.
  • Apply it on your face and neck, avoiding the eye areas.
  • Allow it to settle for twenty minutes and wash it off after the stipulated time with lukewarm water.
  • Use this mask twice or thrice a week for better results.

Benefit :

We all are aware of the rich benefits of aloe vera gel for the hair and skin. This homemade face mask is recommended to those who have a very sensitive skin, as it strengthens the skin and heals dry and flaky skin. It also hydrates the skin.

Tip : You can also use aloe vera juice instead of gel too.

Avocado Face Mask With Almond Oil


  • Mashed avocado
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. almond oil


  • Mix all the ingredients together. Let a thick paste be formed.
  • Apply the paste to the face avoiding the eye area. Allow it to settle for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Apply this paste thrice a week to see better results.

Benefit :

Almond oil is rich with benefits and is considered the best among all oils. It protects the skin from free radicals, reduces age defining wrinkles, tightens the skin, refines the pores and softens the skin.

Tip : This homemade face mask for dry skin can also be used on other skin types.

Avocado And Oatmeal Face Mask


  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal


  • The first step in this butter fruit recipe is to cook the oatmeal as per the instructions provided on the packet.
  • Once it is cooked, mix it with some mashed avocado till you have a smooth paste without any lumps.
  • Apply this avocado face mask for dry skin and leave it till it is completely dry. Use lukewarm water to rinse it off.

Benefit :

This avocado face mask combined with oatmeal is great for your dry skin. An avocado and oatmeal mask can be used as a moisturizing mask which can help in repairing your damaged and dry skin.


The amazing healthy components present in this fruit make it a great choice for all aspects. Don’t you think so?

That’s not it. Scroll on for answers to all the numerous doubts that are popping up in your head.

FQs :

1. Are avocados good for you?

It is quite obvious reading the above benefits they do provide, that avocados are good for health. They benefit almost all parts of the body, with absolutely no side effects which makes them the most suitable fruit to include in diet.

2. How much fiber is in an avocado?

In 100g of avocado, there is 7g of dietary fiber. Avocados are known to be good sources of insoluble fiber and rich in other vitamins too.

3. Does avocado contain cholesterol?

Avocados do not contain any dietary cholesterol and contains healthy fats mostly. Although when avocados are consumed regularly in diets, they impact of effect of LDL cholesterol and try to lower it. Low levels of LDL cholesterol reduce our risk of heart diseases.

4. Does avocado have antioxidants?

One of the sole reasons for avocados being considered healthy is their high composition of anti oxidants. Not only do they have antioxidants, but also increase the antioxidant intake from other foods consumed.

5. How much avocado to eat per day?

There is no specific restriction on the amount of avocado that is consumed per day as long as the diet is balanced to a low carb diet. It is otherwise safe to say, half an avocado per day is good to eat. Even though it contains ‘healthy’ fats, fats are still fats, so stick to half an avocado with your regular diet.

6. What vitamins do avocados have in them?

Already having mentioned the nutritional value of avocado above, it is known that avocado contains a lot of vitamins, proteins and minerals. In brief, the vitamins it contains are : Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin K.

7. Can you eat an unripe avocado?

Yes, an unripe avocado can be consumed but the creamy texture and flavour will be absent. This could make it harder for you to eat it. An unripe avocado at room temperature takes about 4-5 days to ripen, so let it ripen for better taste.

8. How many carbohydrates are present in half an avocado?

Half an avocado is perfect for consumption on a daily basis. Avocado is loaded with healthy fats and vitamins but half an avocado contains 161 calories. The calories when split up shows that 19% of carbohydrates are present in each half of an avocado.

9. Are avocados acidic?

Avocados are not considered acidic, they are alkaline instead. While some charts say they are highly alkaline, others say they are mildly or low alkaline. But the basic point is they are not acidic and consist of a safe pH.

10. How much fat does avocado have?

Avocado is known to be a fatty diet, although the fats it contains are on the healthy side. So, one avocado will approximately have upto 77% of fat.

11. How many carbohydrates does an avocado have?

A full avocado will have the same percentage of carbohydrates like half an avocado, upto 19%. But a single full avocado contains about 322 calories which have a breakdown into fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

12. How much protein is in half an avocado?

Being rich in vitamins, fats and proteins, the protein content in avocado is the least compared to the other two. In a single avocado, you can find upto 4% of protein which in itself benefits the body.

Half an avocado a day, keeps the doctor away? YES! Keep the diet balanced, and let us know below in the comments your views.


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