Round face is a beautiful face, but many people who have rounded face including me feel that it is not a good face structure as we have to deal with chubby cheeks and too much of face surface area. So, what you can do in this case? We all know that contouring and highlighting is the perfect tool for rounded face. But, for plus sized face structure, there are some unknown tips and tricks for contouring and highlighting your face perfectly.

1. Matte Vs Shimmer

Contouring is all about creating a natural depth on your cheeks. And, if you use a shimmer shade for contouring, then it will look quite artificial. Thus, go for a natural matte shade which will go with your skin tone. And, similar is the story with highlighter. Highlighter is used so that, the best facial features of the face can be highlighted. And for that, you need a very stubble shimmer or highlighting effect. Thus, you can choose a highlighter which has minimal to stubble shimmer particles in it.

2. Custom Made Contour Shade

Thus, you need to custom develop your contouring shade as per your skin tone. Thus, choose a foundation which is the nearest match of your skin tone. And try to go for a shade which is 1-2 times darker than your foundation shade. This will be the perfect contouring shade for you. And just remember, when you choose this foundation shades, try to choose them in the natural light.

3. Duck Face

We all know that pouting your face is the perfect trick for both highlighting and contouring. But no, in case of rounded face, that trick differs slightly. Try to do a duck face which is very similar to the closed smile face. And, tilt your face in a 45 degree angle. This will give you the perfect area, at the top of which, you need to highlight your face. And just below that area, you need to contour your face.

4. Contouring Follows Highlighter

First, you need to highlight your face and just below that, contouring is to be done. Contouring is creating shadows on your face. And, when you are done with highlighting, then you will get the perfect area where you need to contour your face.

5. Skip Some Places

For rounded face, you need to skip at some points. Restrict your contouring to the areas which are just below the cheekbones. So, you need to apply the contour just below your highlighted area. So, skip the contour at forehead, nose and chin area.

6. Brushing Technique

Both contouring and highlighting requires different set of brushes. Thus, use an angular brush for the contour. This will give you the perfect angled and precise look, which goes perfect with the contouring. And, for highlighter, use a fluffy brush. This will create a perfect fusion look and your skin will look beautifully highlighted.
