Hello, ladies!

Today, I am here to talk about the new trend in our beauty industry, which is “Microblading”. To know more about this crazy and unique trend, stay tuned!

What the heck is this microblading?

“Microblading”, “eyebrow embroidery”, “pigment embroidery”, “semi-permanent makeup” or “microstroking” is very similar to tattooing but instead of making designs and art on the body, it involves making small hair-like strokes on your brow bone. These small strokes are made by a tiny angled blade made of a row of even tinier needles. The area is generally numbed before the procedure because of the pain involved in the process and the area being taken in consideration being too delicate.

The eyebrows formed by this process do not stay with you for life-long and generally wear off after 1-3 years. Experts say that the process involves a lot of bleeding as well, so this certainly is not for the faint hearted, but once completely healed, many women confessed that they fell in love with their new low-maintenance look.

Also, it is advised to go only to the experts for this procedure as the brows have their very own anatomy and if an amateur handles them, s/he could very well disfigure your brows and your face. Apart from disfigurations, there are other risks like potentially serious infections that could happen, and sometimes, these infections could be serious enough to leave permanent scars on your face.

What should you do if you want to get microblading done?

Research, research, and research. I could not emphasize this enough that you need to get a lot of research done before getting your eyebrows tattooed.

Firstly, you may want to verify that the technician who will be performing the procedure is an expert and has a license to do the same or is insured. Insurance companies generally do not give insurance to the people who have just completed their training and are amateurs, so if the technician has an insurance, there are fewer chances of him being reckless or untrained.

Apart from this, ask your technician if s/he can show you some before and after images of the clients that he has performed this surgery on before.

Pros of microblading:

1. This could be really helpful for women with scanty, scarce, uneven, short or spaced-too-far-apart eyebrows.
2. Sounds like a blessing for new mothers or workaholic and busy women who have little to no time in their work schedule for regular salon appointments.
3. Results appear immediately and gradually fade over the time.
4. There is a lot of pain involved, but luckily can be managed with numbing creams and painkillers.
5. Gives you perfect, natural-looking, lush and symmetrical eyebrows.

Cons of microblading:

1. Can cost a bomb!
2. Microblading is done with a blade that cuts into the skin, and one session can require over 100 such small cuts. So, in case, the equipment is not sterilized and sanitized, there are high chances of the recipient getting a nasty infection. Also, an amateur can cut too deep into the skin, scarring it for the rest of your existence.
3. The artist or the practitioner may not do a fine job and the end result might not be what you were expecting and can look a bit off on your face as well as there is a little to no room for corrections here.
4. It is not totally hassle-free, can require touch-ups and intensive aftercare. For starters, you cannot wear makeup for a few days after the procedure and the area has to be regularly moisturized and cleaned.

That’s it for today, girlies! Hope you found this useful!

Source: makeupandbeauty.com