According to the world of ayurveda, hair fall is indicative of the body type and the mind-body equation. In ayurveda, hair is known to be a byproduct of the bone formation. It is the bone tissues that are responsible for the bone formation, and hence the hair growth on the same lines. It is because of the pitta dosha that hair fall is known to happen, especially when there is an excess of the same.
To help you understand further, we shall check on what hair loss means, the signs and symptoms for the same; remedies and tips and how to work about curtailing the same. Please read on and be well-informed!
What Is Hair Loss ?
Hair loss is common these days. There are many reasons that can make the hair fall off from the roots. Some of them are simple and temporary, some are more complex and can be lifelong. Some have hair loss and hair fall happening because of the underlying health conditions. Hence we have to first check with the causes and then find a solution for the same, and that is what ayurveda would be doing.
Causes Of Hair Loss:
There are many factors responsible for hair loss in women, which are listed below. Let’s go through them:
Lack Of Nutrition
Proper vitamin D levels have to be maintained, which means you need enough of sun exposure. This is why; people living in colder climes where the rays of the sun aren’t enough suffer from more hair loss than those living in warmer climes.
Another reason would be the lack of amino acids such as lysine, and the lack of minerals – copper, zinc and more, that cause hair loss and hair fall. You also need plenty of protein in the body, since hair is chiefly composed of the same.
When The Hormones Run Amok
Hormones are to be blamed for the loss of hair, and this is especially true for women post the age of thirty. This is when the hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body begins, and sometimes because of DHT or excess of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion as well.
Thyroid Problems
The thyroid is located as a gland in front of your neck, and if it doesn’t produce enough of the hormone, the growth cycle of the hair would change. One would need to check with their family doctor on the same lines
Those that suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are victims to hormonal changes on large counts and hence the imbalance too. This makes the androgens levels rise high, much more than the normal count. While the thinning of hair in such cases happen on the head, PCOS can make hair grow on other parts of the body and the face.
While pregnant, most women find their hair is thicker. This is because the hormonal levels don’t allow the hairs to fall off at this time. However, post delivery, the hormonal levels go back to being normal and thus the strands that didn’t fall back then, fall out now. This is alarming, since we witness too much hairfall and hair loss in one shot.
Birth Control Pills
One of the major side-effects of birth control pills would be the loss of hair. This is because of the hormones in the medicines that don’t allow ovulation to happen naturally; resulting in hair thinning and hair loss. In some cases it has been seen, even when the individual has stopped taking the pills, hair loss has happened.
Blame It On Stress
Blame it on stress, which can lead to large amounts of hair loss. It can last from a week to many months. This is why, one should learn how to minimize stress and reduce the same through yoga, meditation and more.
Toxic Chemicals In Hair Products
Check the shampoo you use, some of them have Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). This is a dangerous compound that can have a lot of ill-effects on the immune system. It corrodes hair follicles and doesn’t allow the hair to grow thick and nice. The same with hair dyes and all the chemicals in it, and hair styling products too- go easy on them, because they have toxic chemicals in the same.
Crash Dieting And Weight Loss To The Extreme
You may have lost a lot of weight with crash dieting and more, but you have lost a lot of your hair too in the due process. This is because you haven’t had a healthy diet, which is a must for the hair to be nourished and to grow. You need a lot of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids for the hair to return to normal, along with protein and amino acids too.
Blame The Hairstyles
If the hairstyles are too tight, funky and rough, chances are that the hair would lose out on staying. From tight ponytails to updos, too much hairspray to funky hairdos and more; they all can be reasons enough for the hair to fall
Cancer Treatment Side Effects
Chemotherapy is used for cancer treatment and so is radiation therapy; they both cause immense hair loss. While the cancer cells are killed using these two methods, the hair follicles too are killed in the process.
Underlying Medical Conditions
- Scalp Psoriasis
- Alopcia Areta
- Folliculitis
- Ringworm
- Seborrheic dermatitis ; to be blamed for hair loss!
Ageing Pangs
Our hair growth slows down as time passes by and as we age. The strands get smaller and less pigmented, and thinner, grey and finer too. This is why, we must focus on our diet and keep it prime to have healthier hair as we age.
Hereditary And Genetics
According to the America Academy of Dermatology, studies show that most of the hair loss and hair fall is to be blamed on genetics and hereditary
Now that we know what hairloss and hairfall is and how it happens, let us take a look at how ayurveda can help us!
How Does Ayurveda Help In Hair Loss ?
According to ayurveda, the pitta is inherited by us from our parents. When there is an excess of pitta dosha, there would be a disruption in the body’s metabolic process. Also with that, the climes if too hot are to be blamed for the pitta dosha increase in the body. Even consuming too much of spices and oily food, meats and caffeine and even alcohol can cause the rise of pitta dosha in the body. Ayurveda also blames hormones and nutritional reasons for hair loss, underlying medical ailments, medications, stress and thyroid problems with hair loss too.
Ayurveda Treatment Vs Modern Treatment For Hair Loss ?
When you look at modern treatment versus ayurveda for hair loss, the former looks at the surface for answers, while the latter goes deep within to find out the reasons and eliminate them.
Modern Treatment
Hair loss and hair fall is much more than what meets the eyes. This is what modern treatments mostly do not focus on. There has to be a thorough diagnosis of the same, which is tough. The underlying causes have to be checked and taken into account at first, and then the solutions for the same have to be brought out.
Ayurveda Treatment
Ayurveda does exactly that. It cures hair fall from the root. It helps balance the hormones in the body naturally, and nourishes the scalp which helps promote hair growth. The herbs and oils used can help with hair follicle strengthening, prevention of hair loss and fall, and improving the texture of the hair too. Ayurveda looks deep into the issue and tackles the pitta dosha by doing the following-
- It helps change the diet you are following, brings down the consumptions of spices and sour foods, fried and acidic foods, refined foods too.
- Ayurveda helps stop you from overdosing on medicines and substance abuse, or drug abuse as well
- Foods rich in minerals and vitamins are advised to be consumed which helps bring back the nutritional balance in the hair.
- Plenty of water intake is a must according to ayurveda, which helps flush the toxins out of the body and balances the pitta dosha too. When the body is kept hydrated, the hair is kept strong
- More and more herbal infusions and oils are used in ayurveda to help with the strengthening of hair, its texture and quality too. This helps with hair restoration and hair growth.
So here was how ayurveda can actually help with hair loss. Now let’s take a look at the symptoms for hair loss.
Symptoms Of Hair Loss ?
There are many different ways through which hair loss can happen, and there are many causes we have discussed on the same lines too. Some symptoms and signs most noticed would be-
- Slow thinning of the hair on the head. This is most seen on top of the head as one ages
- Patchy spots, bald spots or circular spots coin sized spots of hairloss are seen on the scalp of the individual
- Hair loosening all of a sudden would be seen and experienced. This leads to less of balding and more of hair thinning
Worry not! Here are a couple of ways for you to ensure that you can help save the hair from falling by using ayurvedic treatments at home.
Here Is The List Of Ayurveda Treatments For Hair Loss:
Bhringaraj, or Eclipta Alba; is a very popular herb for hair growth and has been used since ancient times. The hair tonic derived from it is a miracle worker, and can benefit both the hair and the scalp.
- Bhringaraj powder
- Sesame oil
- You would need a tablespoon of bhringaraj powder along with a teaspoon of sesame oil to make this pack.
- Mix the two into a paste and apply it on the scalp to the root to the tip and the midlengths of the hair.
- Wait for half an hour and then wash off under cold water.
- This should be done twice a week.
Amla—The Indian Gooseberry
Amla or Indian gooseberry works miracles in nourishing the scalp and the hair, and in remedying the loss of hair too.
- Fresh amla juice
- Fresh lime concentrate
- In a small bowl, crush and paste the amla fruit and extract its jucie. Add a tablespoon of fresh lime concentrate to the same and mix well.
- Apply this tonic on the scalp, the hair and the mid-lengths; emulsify and massage the scalp and the hair well.
- Wait for half an hour and then wash off under cold water.
- Twice a week this should be done.
Neem is a medicinal plant that can be used to arrest hair loss and hair fall. In addition to that, it stops dandruff from happening, and beats bacterial infection on the scalp too. Finally, it helps with hair growth and thickening of hair as well.
- Neem leaves
- water
- The best way to use neem is to gather its leaves and boil it in a bowl of water.
- Strain the water and wash the hair as a last rinse with this tonic, each time you shampoo your hair.
- This should be done thrice a week.
Reetha for many centuries has been used as a gentle hair washing product. It is antimicrobials and very gentle on the hair. Reetha also helps do away with hair and scalp disorders and also arrests hair loss too.
- Reetha
- Shikakai
- To make the hair pack, reetha in a few numbers should be pre-soaked in water and crushed into paste the next day.
- Mix into this a tablespoon of shikakai and form a thicker paste.
- Apply this on the hair and massage the hair and scalp with this formula each time you plan to wash your hair.
- Wait for ten minutes and then wash off under cold water.
- This is a deep conditioning treatment that should be done at least thrice a week.
Shikakai is a natural hair conditioner, and it helps promote thicker hair growth and strengthens hair roots too. It also helps cool the scalp, and the vitamin C in it nourishes the hair and helps boost collagen too. Finally, the antioxidants in shikakai helps fight the onslaught of free radicals as well.
- Almond oil
- Castor oil
- Shikakai
- Amla
- Reetha
- Egg
- To make a hair pack using shikakai, we would use a tablespoon of almond oil and castor oil each, to massage into the hair.
- Steam the hair with a hot towel wrapped as a turban.
- Once the massaging is done, you would need a teaspoon of shikakai, amla and reetha powder each; mix them with an egg and form a paste.
- Apply the paste on the hair and the scalp and gently massage the head.
- Wait for half an hour and then wash off with cold water.
- This should be done twice a week.
One thing that happens in our bodies due to stress is the release of cortisol. And this is a reason why we lose hair too. With ashwagandha, we can curb the loss of hair and hair fall too, when we reduce the levels of cortisol in the body. The herb also has amino acids in it which helps stimulate more melanin production in the body. Moreover, antioxidants and the hormones are balanced in the body, and hence hair fall is reduced.
- Amla powder
- Ashwagandha powder
- Brahmi powder
- To make the hair pack, one would need an equal amount of amla powder, ashwagandha and brahmi powders mixed into a paste with warm water.
- Massage the paste onto the hair and keep it for half an hour.
- Wash off under cold water and pat dry.
- This should be done thrice a week.
Brahmi helps coat the hair and stops it from falling, and it also helps reduce the occurrence of split ends too. The roots are kept fed and nourished, and this allows the hair to grow out strong and nice as well. And in addition to this, brahmi also helps reduce the occurrence of dandruff and other scalp and hair diseases as well.
- Amla powder
- Ashwagandha powder
- Brahmi powder
- To make the strong hair pack, one would need an equal amount of brahmi powder with powders of amla and ashwagandha.
- Add warm water to the powders and form a paste.
- Massage the paste into the hair and the scalp, and wait for half an hour.
- Wash off under cold water.
- Do this twice a week.
The Aromatic Jatamansi
For thicker longer hair, you need to arrest hair fall. This is why jatamansi oil is used which keeps the hair healthy and smooth and silky. It also helps bring shine and bounce to the hair and keeps the scalp healthy too.
- Aromatic Jatamansi oil
- You need to get the oil from a holistic shop and massage the hair and scalp with it.
- Circular motions and gentle touches are needed.
- Follow with a hot turban towel wrap for half an hour.
- Do this daily before your shower and the hair would stop falling.
With methi seeds, you not only stop and curb the loss of hair but also help the hair stay healthy and bring down dandruff too. Methi seeds for many centuries have been used to control hair loss and to boost hair growth. This is why most DIY hair packs have methi seeds in them.
- Methi seeds
- Lime juice
- Overnight soak a handful of methi seeds and blend them into paste.
- Add some lime juice to the paste and then apply it on the hair like a pack.
- Wash off after half an hour.
- This should be done thrice a week before you head into the shower.
Aloe Vera
One of the main reasons why your hair would fall and break would be because the pH levels on the scalp aren’t right. This makes the scalp pretty acidic to the extreme which can cause dandruff. In such cases, you need to use aloe vera which helps balance the pH levels of the scalp and protects the hair.
- Aloe vera gel
- Coconut milk
- For the hair pack, you need a cup of aloe vera gel to which half a cup of coconut milk is mixed.
- Apply the pack on your hair and the scalp and massage well.
- Leave it on for half an hour and then wash it off.
- Do this every day for the pH levels to come back to normalcy.
Hot Ayurvedic Oils Massage
Your scalp needs daily exercises which come in the form of a massage. For the same, we would look at hot ayurvedic oils to do the job. It helps bring back shine, sheen and texture, and also helps with circulation too. When there is enough of circulation, the hair follicles are given more strength.
- Almond oil/castor oil /olive oil
- Hot coconut oil mixed with almond and castor or olive oils should be mixed and used as hair oil for at least ten days at a stretch.
- Deep massage the scalp and the hair, and keep it turban wrapped with a warm towel for half an hour.
- Do this daily and wash off with warm water thereafter.
Pitta Dosha
According to ayurveda, it is the bone tissue byproduct which forms the hair. If the pitta dosha in the body isn’t right, the balance for the same would be in a mess, which leads to hair problems. Apart from that, the right diet and exercises too can be helpful to curb the excess of pitta dosha in the body.
- Fresh aloe vera juice/ carrot juice/ lettuce/ spinach juice
- Identifying the onslaught of pitta dosha in the body is important. This is why, holistic experts refrain from consuming too much tea, alcohol, meats, spicy foods, oily foods and acidic foods; all of which raise the pitta dosha levels in the body.
- Start the day with alkalizing the body by drinking a cup of fresh aloe vera juice, carrot juice, lettuce or spinach juice.
- They all help with hair growth and hair loss is curbed.
Now that we learnt the various remedies on home treatments for hair fall, let’s take a look at some natural and ayurveda oils for hair loss.
Natural and Ayurveda Oils For Hair Loss
The best part about using natural and holistic stuff for hair is that you don’t have to worry about chemicals touching your hair. This means, your hair gets the best nourishment it needs and through holistic touches. This is why, we are here to speak to you about ayurvedic oils and natural oils to use to cub hair loss and hair fall.
Please read on and be well-informed for the same.
Coconut Oil:
- The all natural coconut oil is a wonderful hydrant for your hair, it nourishes your hair too and cleans out the scalp and the hair when used.
- It is antimicrobial in nature, and has lauric acid in it with medium chain fatty acids- all of which help strengthen the hair follicles and the scalp, and helps with hair regrowth too.
- In addition to that, coconut oil is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and this is what makes the hair healthy and shiny.
- Since it has antioxidants in it, it helps fight the onslaught of free radicals and promotes hair growth too.
How to use
- Deep massage the scalp with warm coconut oil and emulsify the hair strands with it daily.
- Wash off with warm water after the massage is done.
Neelibhringadi Oil:
- Neelibhringadi Oil is a herbal and an ayurvedic concoction that helps promote hair growth.
- The oil is also known to prevent hair loss and hair fall too, and it helps improve the quality and the smoothness of the hair as well.
- The Neelibhringadi Oil is known to make the hair strong, shiny and bouncy too, and can treat premature graying of hair as well.
- It is anti-dandruff by nature, a healthy hair growth stimulant to use, anti-fungal and antipruritic as well as anti inflammatory too.
- The oil works best in the second stage of hair growth- the anagen pahse. This is when the hair roots divide and form new hair on a rapid basis.
- Applying Neelibhringadi Oil daily is a must to promote hair growth.
How to use
- Apply the oil and wrap the head with a warm towel.
- Wait for ten minutes and then wash the hair with warm water.
- This helps activate the cell division in the hair roots, and stimulates more hair growth too.
Kunthala Kanthi
- Kunthala Kanthi is a herbal oil that rejuvenates the hair and can prevent premature graying and hair loss.
- The oil is also known to keep the dandruff in check as well, and it helps cool the scalp, the head and the eyes too.
- The oil is not mixed with artificial colors or fragrances, which renders it safe to use. Daily use of Kunthala Kanthi helps stimulate hair growth.
How to use
- Deeply massage onto the scalp and the hair for ten minutes and leave overnight.
- Wash off the next morning with warm water.
- This allows the hair roots to be fed and nourished, and to be made stronger for hair growth stimulation too.
- One of the best medicated oils used for hair growth stimulation would be Kanjunnyadi oil.
- Used primarily for external application on the scalp, Kanjunnyadi oil has a blend of amla, kayyoni, amrutha and anjana in it, which forms a potent tonic that keeps diseases of the scalp and the hair away.
- It also helps cool the head and brings down occurrences of headaches too.
- And in totality, Kanjunnyadi oil is known to boost thicker hair growth as well.
- You would often hear many dermatologists insisting on using Bhringraj oil.
- This is because the oil is known to deeply enter the hair follicles and nourish the hair roots, and keep the scalp healthy too.
- In turn, the hair is grown out faster and easily the scalp condition and health is maintained too.
- From dandruff to premature graying and balding, Bhringraj will help improve the conditions.
- It also helps improve circulation on the scalp and revitalizing of the hair follicles happens as well.
How to use
- A few drops of the oil needs to be massaged onto the scalp and the hair every day.
- Wrap a hot towel around the head for ten minutes and then shower under warm water.
- This will help bring back health, bounce and shine to the hair.
Rosemary Essential
- Rosemary Essential oil helps with hair growth and stimulation of hair follicles.
- It is said by experts that the oil can also bring solutions to premature greying and premature baldness too, and treats dry scalp and dandruff as well.
- A few drops of rosemary oil with coconut oil mixed can help increase hair growth.
- Traction is brought down to a large extent and thus the hair growth is stimulated, with lesser hair loss and hair fall happening.
How to use
- Massage deep into the scalp to make the skin of the scalp healthy and to boost circulation which helps heal disorders of the scalp.
- Use the concoction of Rosemary Essential and coconut oil twice a week.
- Wrap the head in a warm towel for ten minutes, and then wash off the hair with warm water.
Amla Oil
- Amla oil has high nutrient content, high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates in it as well.
- This is why the prevention of DNA deterioration is stopped and the damages from free radicals are brought down to a large extent too.
- Since it is high oxidative radiance capabilities, it protects the cells of the scalp and the hair from oxidative damages and stress.
- Massaging amla oil onto the hair and the scalp everyday helps with improving circulation and brain health, and the iron in it helps provide more oxygen as well.
How to use
- Amla oil can be used daily before a shower.
- Massage the oil on the scalp.
- With a hot towel wrapped onto the hair and kept for ten minutes.
- The hair and scalp needs to be washed with warm water thereafter.
- Arnica oil can help bring life to the scalp and the hair follicles, which make the hair stronger and doesn’t allow it from premature greying and hair loss as well.
- This oil when mixed with jaborandi and calendula extracts makes the hair soft and manageable, which means lesser hair breakage and fall to deal with.
- Moreover, arnica also deals with dandruff quite effectively. This is because it removes the excess sebum and oil from the scalp and doesn’t allow the itchy redness stay back.
- Arnica oil helps stop split ends from happening and also reduces hair fall as well.
How to use
Combine the oil with jaborandi and calendula extracts, and apply it on the hair. Use this formula once a week to improve circulation and scalp collagen boosting.
- Darken your hair naturally; make it strong and thick as well, with the help of mustard oil.
- The oil is a hair vitalizer which can work wonders for hair that is dry and scalp that is flaky.
- Even if you have chemically treated your hair in the past, you can use mustard oil generously to treat your hair.
- If you have hair and scalp disorders, fungal eruptions and dandruff too, mustard oil application helps clean them all.
How to use
- Warm up some mustard oil with a tablespoon of coconut oil and massage deep into the hair and the scalp.
- Wait for ten minutes wearing a hot turban wrap on the head.
- Cover the hair well and wait for an hour, and then wash the hair under warm water. This can be done twice a week.
- All the fatty acids, the beta carotene and the vitamins found in this oil would do its job when you massage the scalp and the hair with it.
Now that we have an idea on which natural and ayurvedic oils work best on our hair and scalp, let’s take a few more tips to use for hair growth and strength, shall we?
Tips For Ayurveda Hair Loss Treatment
Here are a few tips provided by ayurveda to combat hair loss!
- Your protein intake should be high, which helps combat hair loss since hair is chiefly composed of protein cells
- Ensure to have a diet rich in iron, which helps strengthen the hair. From raw veggies to fresh fruits, salads and more, eat them all for strong hair to have.
- Stick to herbal shampoos that have no sulphates in them and no chemicals in them
- Hot oil massages at least once a week is important
- Regular bowel movements are important, hence eat a lot of fibre for the same
- Deep meditation and yoga can help with hair growth
- Scalp massages increase blood circulation and hence should be done
- Sebaceous glands on the scalp and the neck need to be activated with hot oil massages
- Wash your hair once a week with a paste of fresh coriander to boost coolant and hair growth
- Drink a lot of water and get good sleep!
Tips To Prevent Hair Loss
In ayurveda, hair loss is called KHALITYA. When we study hair in ayurveda, we get to know that hair is formed as a by-product from the bone tissues. Hair loss is also blamed on the pitta dosha, and the mind body connection as well. If you have excess of pitta in the body, it needs to be brought down or else you would notice premature greying of hair, loss of hair, thinning of hair and more. When the sebaceous glands have more pitta in them, it would lead to hair loss.
The aim of ayurveda thus is to combat hair loss by going into the root of the problem. This means, there would be a diet and a lifestyle change to follow and manage, and herbal medication to consume too. Apart from this, one would need to have-
- Right herbal oils for massages
- Meditation
- Aromatherapy
- Deep breathing exercises
- Yoga and more to address hairloss issues.
Ayurvedic experts also want you to pay heed to the following-
- To bring down pitta dosha, one shouldn’t have too much of oily and spicy foods, and not too much of caffeine and teas too
- Foods that are processed and refined should be avoided.
- Junk food shouldn’t be eaten
- Alcohol and aerated drinks should be shown the door
- More of organic and fresh veggies and fruits need to eaten
- Reduce the use of chemical hair products and byproducts
- Hot oil massages are a must each week which help boost stimulation and circulation
- The use of egg oil should be done once a week and left overnight, which makes the hair soft and shiny, but strong as well
- Mayonnaise should be used to balance the moisture levels on the scalp and the hair at least once a week
- The juice of onion can be used to combat hair fall
- The juice of ginger can be used to promote hair growth
- The juice of garlic can be applied on the hair and the scalp to ward of diseases and disorders
- Green tea water should be used to wash the hair with; the tannins and the antioxidants in it fight free radicals
- Methi seeds should be soaked overnight and crushed into paste to use as a hair pack once a week. This helps promote hair growth and deals with disorders like a pro.
- Mix a cup of aloe vera juice and neem paste to form a hair pack. Apply this pack for ten minutes on the hair and then wash off with cold water.
- Bring into the diet a lot of protein and lean meats, fish and soy, and vitamin B 12 daily
- Do no overuse hair tongs, hair straighteners and hair blow dryers. They dry out the hair and rob the hair of its natural oils. This makes the hair brittle.
- Practice meditation and yoga every day, it helps calm the mind and bring down stress
- Try not wearing hats and caps every day, or hair wigs and pieces, which can damage the hair follicles
- Vitamins should be taken daily, which are antioxidants that help with healthy hair growth and sebum boost
- Have foods rich on omega 3 fatty acids
- Vitamin E helps stimulate circulation and you can use them with the oils to massage into the hair and the scalp.
- B vitamins help in melanin production and pigment production
- Soft towels should be used when drying your hair naturally, or else the fibres can tug and pull the tresses.
- Drink a lot of water to flush the toxins out of the body
Treatment for Hair Loss by using Ayurveda:
Your scalp would have three lakh or more single hair follicles and each would be undergoing constantly the cycle of growth and falling off. What ayurveda does is to respect each cycle and use natural ingredients to work and nourish the hair with, and also to revitalize the scalp too. This is where the hair follicles grow.
Hair loss and hair fall treatment included, ayurveda can save your crowning glory.
Ayurveda is all about purifying the body and the mind, and that is why ayurveda would work on balancing the pitta dosha in the body to ensure that the hair is regrown and cared for.
It is a cost effective and a very safe way to ensure that the hair loss problems are taken care of. And for each stage of the hair growth, the use of ayurveda is very effective.
We hope this mini guide with the information within comes in handy and makes good reading sense.
Disclaimer: If you need more help and advice on ayurvedic oils and natural oils for hair loss combation, it would be best to consult a certified ayurvedic specialist for the same. They would check the nitty gritty and bring to you the solution you need. This is a post for informational use only and the certified experts’ words would take precedence over what is written here and elsewhere!