You have heard of vitamins. You have heard of minerals too (thank to the science books we memorized hard to get our scores right). One of the super important minerals is Magnesium, what we know as ‘Mg’ in our Periodic Table Of Elements.

Why are discussing it here? Well, Magnesium has abundance of benefits for our health, which you will be surprised reading.

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical functions in our body. Every body-organ needs magnesium, especially the heart, kidneys, and muscles; even teeth and bones.

Did you know – between 54% and 75% of the general population is lacking in magnesium? Too bad.

How Magnesium Works For Sleep?

Late night shifts, late night ‘soaps’, coffee drinking (like a fish), health problems all are barriers to good sleep.

Magnesium helps you overcome your insomnia by doing what? Making you relax.

It also helps fight depression – which is another cause of sleeplessness.

Here Is The List Of Reasons To Take Magnesium For Sleep:

1. Sleep

Life is very hectic. A good night’s sleep is very essential. Taking Magnesium helps to get some. It is one of the essential nutrients that play a role in sleep. Though there is no guarantee, as such, that you will immediately get sleep after taking Mg, but still it works!

2. Muscle Relaxant

Ever been down with sore tight muscles? Feel stress and tension in your neck and shoulder area? You need a magnesium supplement to help you ease in this area.
In fact, those of you down with cramps in muscles or restless leg syndrome should take Magnesium for its muscle-relaxant effects.

3. Heart Health

Magnesium lowers the risk of coronary heart diseases. In fact, surveys conducted show that Magnesium intake can reduce the chances of a stroke. Magnesium deficiency ups the risk of abnormal heart rhythms.

4. Bone Health

Magnesium plays its part in bone formation. It also influences the way in which bones are built up and broken down.

That is why – supplementing Calcium with Magnesium is recommended in order to improve bone mineral density.

Did you know, magnesium deficiency causes change in calcium metabolism, resulting in osteoporosis?? So, it is very important to take Mg in recommended levels in order to combat osteoporosis.

5. Diabetes Prevention

Magnesium helps you with carbohydrate metabolism. It also helps in efficient workings of ‘insulin’, controlling blood glucose levels.

Proven Fact (Jot It Down, Please)

Every 100 mgm increase in magnesium daily intake gets you a 15% decrease in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

Now let us find out the foods rich in magnesium.

8 Foods High In Magnesium

Explore the power of magnesium in your diet.

1. Rice Bran

Hard to find rice bran. But why? It isn’t stocked often at grocery stores. But its nice to know its potential. Just 100 gms of it packs in 781 mg of magnesium – almost twice the recommended dietary allowance.

2. Dried Herbs Coriander, Sage, Or Basil

When you talk of “density”, these herbs not only provide the body with plenty of micronutrients and trace minerals, 1 tbsp of it gives you 690 mg of magnesium.

Want magnesium-magic? Keep adding these herbs and spices to your favorite dishes.

3. Dark Chocolate

Ever knew rich dark chocolate is a magnesium-booster? Just one square of chocolate yields 24% of the daily value of magnesium for only 145 calories. It also has antioxidants which lower BP, improve blood flow, and help boost overall heart health.

4. Dark Leafy Greens

They are the ultimate super-food. Have crucial minerals-n-vitamins and a host of health benefits too. Pick raw or cooked baby spinach, collard greens, Swiss chard and you will be giving your body the Magnesium it deserves for very few calories.

5. Whole Grains

By Grains, I mean Wheat, Oats, Barley and other cereals like Quinoa and Buckwheat. Whole Grains are an excellent source of Magnesium. What’s more, they are gluten-free, so people who have gluten-sensitivity can enjoy them too.

6. Beans And Lentils

Legume family is full of Magnesium. Starting with Soybeans that have high amount of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. And then there are black beans, kidney beans (rajma), white beans, chickpeas (kabuli chana), black-eyed peas (lobiya), and lentils (dal).

7. Avocados

One of the most nutritious and versatile produce is Avocados. It is loaded with multi-vitamins. Just add 1 sliced avocado to your lunch (in the form of salad or sandwich). And what does it get you? About 15% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium.

8. Dairy

Milk products are recommended if you want more of Magnesium. One container of low-or-nonfat yogurt gets you 19 mgm of Magnesium, which makes it an easy choice in meals.

Best Form Of Magnesium For Sleep:

Any medicine or mineral that you take should be fully absorbed by the body. The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate, or magnesium amino acid chelate, magnesium chloride, etc.

Try and avoid magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide. They are poorly absorbed. Did you know, they are the cheapest and most common forms of Magnesium found in supplements?

Any side effects of Magnesium (considering it is a mineral)? Lets find out.

Magnesium Side Effects:

The side effects are few and not much when Magnesium is taken either through mouth or injections. However, couple of side effects when Mg is taken intravenously are:

  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Slower heart rate
  • Skin flushing (which is temporary)
  • Pain at the site where the injection is being given

The more important part to know about Magnesium is the set of precautions you need to take.

Precaution To Take Magnesium

Magnesium benefits us in so many ways. But you also need to understand the implications of Mg mineral when taken in high doses.

  • Know the correct dosage: Are you on a magnesium supplement? Then you need to know the recommended dosage. While men need up to 300mg a day, women need 270mg of magnesium on a daily basis. Never ever exceed the max limit of 400 mg a day, or else you will land up with diarrhea.
  • Know the risk factor: Magnesium is not a food item. When you take excess of it, expect side effects to happen such as nausea, diarrhea, cramps, low BP, fatigue, and muscle weakness.
  • Magnesium supplements can interact with other medications of yours. So, if you are on a diet of medicines related to heart, diuretics, or antibiotics, then stop taking Mg any further.
  • Never take Magnesium without consulting your doctor. Particularly, if you have diabetes, or are suffering from an intestinal disease.

Tips For Magnesium For Sleep

Three little tips for magnesium intake –

  • Since Mg is a sleep supplement, drink a glass of milk before you go to sleep. Not applicable for those of you who have weaker digestion.
    -Consider taking Magnesium by taking a bath in Epsom Salts

  • Rub magnesium oil on your skin before you go to sleep

Final Words About Magnesium For Sleep:

Magnesium is a well-known remedy that helps relieve insomnia (or sleeplessness). It is anti-anxiety and anti-stress. Supports health and wellness. Every cell in our body has it and needs it to function. But it is mostly overlooked.

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