Hello friends,

I am back with another post! Today, we would be talking about best besan face packs for glowing skin. Chickpea flour is also known as Besan and is one among the commonly found and used ingredients in Indian kitchens. Gram flour is not just used in cooking but is one among the ancient remedies that is used for healthy and fair skin. Besan helps to tighten the skin naturally, removes dark spots from the skin and also removes the tan easily. Besan contains skin cleansing and skin lightening properties which promote healthy, glowing and radiant skin.

So, here we would mention about some of the besan face masks for glowing skin.

1. Besan and yogurt face mask:

Besan contains skin cleansing properties while yogurt contains natural bleaching properties which promote glowing skin. Using besan and yogurt face mask can help to rejuvenate your skin and also even out the skin tone. In order to make this paste, take two spoons of besan and add two spoons of yogurt. Mix together and apply this paste on the face. Massage in circular motions and wash off with lukewarm water.

2. Besan and sandalwood face mask:

Sandalwood, also known as Chandan, contains skin soothing properties which soothe the skin and also even out the skin tone. Also, medicinal properties in sandalwood can help to promote glowing and radiant skin. In order to make a paste, mix three spoons of besan with three spoons of sandalwood powder. Add few drops of milk or water to get a thick paste. Spread evenly on the face and wash off with cold water later.

3. Besan and rose water face mask:

Using besan and rose water face pack is ideally good to be used on all types of skin but it is more beneficial for people with oily skin. Besan helps to clear the dirt and dust from the face while rose soothes the skin and promotes natural pinkish glow on the skin. Take few spoons of besan and add some rose water to it. Mix together and spread this mixture on the face. Wait for some time and wash off with cold water.

4. Besan, malai and honey face mask:

Besan clears the skin while malai contains skin soothing properties which promote a healthy and moisturized skin. Honey contains natural humectants properties which promote healthy, glowing and radiant skin. In order to make this paste, mix equal amounts of besan, malai and honey. Mix together and apply on the face. Wait until it dries off and rinse with cold water. This is especially good for people dealing with dry and flaking skin.

5. Besan, cucumber juice, and tomato juice face mask:

Tomato contains skin lightening properties while cucumber is high in water content which helps to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated. Using this face mask helps to detox the face, thus, promoting glowing and healthy skin. Take 5-6 spoons of besan and add cucumber juice and tomato juice until you get a thick paste. Mix together and apply on the face. Allow it to dry and cleanse off with clear water. Repeat this twice or thrice in a week to promote glowing skin.

6. Besan and papaya face mask:

Papaya contains an active enzyme called papain which proves effective in promoting fair and glowing skin. It proves effective in exfoliating your skin and also shrinking the large sized pores. Take few spoons of besan and add some mashed papaya. If needed, add milk to get a thick consistency. Apply the mixture on the face and let it dry. Wash off later.

7. Besan and banana face mask:

Take three spoons of besan and add few spoons of mashed banana to it. Add some honey to it and mix together. Make a thick paste and apply on the face. Apply the mixture on the face and leave it for some time. Wash off with cold water. Besan detoxifies your skin while banana contains essential nutrients which prevent skin cell damage. Honey helps to soften your skin and also promote glowing skin. If not honey, you can also add some yogurt to the paste. Apply this mixture frequently to get a healthy, glowing and gorgeous skin.

Source: makeupandbeauty.com