To  make your ponytail droopy and much tighter, tilt your head back while making your ponytail.

Adjust the height of your ponytail to narrow the appearance of your face. If you put your ponytail high and make it fluffy, you will create a slimmer outline.

Make double ponytail if you have short hair. Divide your hair into two sections. Make one ponytail with the upper section and then one with the bottom part. Brush the ponytails to create an illusion of a longer hair.


Musse-up your ponytail with a little dry shampoo. It’s cool this season.

Make a knot with your hair. Leave small strands on the left and the right side while making a ponytail. Tie them at the base of the ponytail and secure them with bobby pins. Your ponytail will be more elegant.

Make a funky bubble ponytail. It’s a perfect choice if you have long hair. It takes a lite exercise to master this technic but looks very chic.

If your ponytail is drooping use two bobby pins under the base. It will be taller instantly and will look voluminous.

For high and elegant ponytail make a hair tie at the base. All you have to do is to wrap a strand of hair around.


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