The beauty is fleeting. We may have more important things in life such as feelings, such as soul, love, joy … Women today silicones implant in the chest, lips, do tattoos, tightens the face to be nicer and more atractive to opposite sex and to themselves. Many condemn it – plastic surgery, tattoos, and all that is not of Mother Nature provided us. But do not overlook this. Life is one, and let’s not spend it caring what others will say.

Because people are here to condemn, it is normal and so it is always, it is important to work on yourself to feed your soul doing things that you love. If you want bigger breasts install silicones, why not, if you have weak nails upgrade them. Because now we are here, this little slice of eternity is just our now and we are where we are. Relive it well, with a smile, with the people you love doing things that make you happy.

And yes my dears, upgrade your nails as you like, because the choice is big and beautiful nails will make every your day more beautiful. Because everyone likes to see beautiful things. Why you need to have ragged varnish nails? We live in the 21st century and it gives us a lot of opportunities. Do not build for others. Beautify them for you. That your days become brighter I more colorful. Don’t do something just because that likes our best friend or boyfriend / girlfriend. It is important that you do things that lures you smile.

We live in a fast world, time flies, so do not allow you to lose yourself in that world. E working time is often very long, the children are home and wait us to get home from work to drive them ti private classess and prepare them food, all the washing, house cleaning all that is waiting for us. In that fuss we don’t have opportunity every day to separate time only for us, but at least two hours a week try to separate. Go to the hairdresser, or fix your hair yourself, tune nails, soak the body in cherishing milk and cream.

Nothing nicer than manicured female hand. I had a grandmother who entire life had pretty cleaned up moderately long and rounded red nails. And she was a successful businesswoman and a housewife. Her hands even when she was aged were always manicured. Now when we apply gel nails ww don’t have need to paint them every or every second evening, just do gelling which lasts good three weeks. Almond nails are always in fashion. It is a form that is timeless and for all generations. A little bit younger ladies can now decide for more pointy nails, and the older ones for slightly arched nails. The choice is yours. Decide for those who currently describes your mood and feelings. I do not know about you, but I’m also putting on makeup and nails and i dress up how I feel. Only when our body and soul agree – we really shine.
