We spend a lot of money purchasing creams from the market because they play a major role in keeping our skin soft, glowing and supple. Creams are generally light in consistency which gets easily absorbed by the skin, thus, keeping it hydrated, radiant and naturally glowing.

So, if you have ever thought about making your own face cream at home, here we mention few easy recipes.

1. Almond oil face cream

This almond oil face cream is suitable for all types of skin. Almond oil and Vitamin E oil contains fatty acids which promote glowing skin. Aloe vera gel soothes the skin, while shea butter keeps your skin moisturized. Vanilla extract plays a major role in cleansing your face and essential oil keeps your skin naturally glowing. So, check out the recipe of this cream here.

Ingredients required:
• 8-10 spoons of coconut oil
• ½ spoon of Vitamin E oil
• ½ cup of shea butter
• 2 spoons of almond oil
• 10-15 drop of essential oil
• 3 spoons of vanilla essential oil or extract
• 1 cup of floral water
• 2 spoons of aloe vera gel

Take one cup of floral water and add aloe vera gel to it. Blend it for some time and make sure the gel dissolves completely. Now, add coconut oil and almond oil to it. Blend them once again and add shea butter to it. Once shea butter is added, you need to blend the cream thoroughly, so that you get extremely soft and thick texture of the cream. Now, add vanilla extract and essential oil to it. Blend them again until all the ingredients are mixed together properly. Store this cream in a jar and refrigerate it. Wait for 24 hours and then you can use this cream regularly.

2. Olive oil homemade cream

Olive contains antioxidants which help to keep your skin supple and soft. It locks the moisture of the skin and also keeps your skin hydrated for a long period of time. Vitamin E used in this cream can help to repair the skin and also prevent acne, blemishes, and pimples easily. Well, here’s a quick recipe for olive oil homemade cream.

Ingredients required:
• 1 spoon of beeswax
• 10 drops of Vitamin E oil
• ½ cup of olive oil
• 2 spoons of coconut oil
• 2 spoons of aloe vera gel

Take beeswax, aloe vera gel, and coconut oil in a saucepan. Now heat them until all the ingredients are melted. Add vitamin E oil to it and allow it to cool down. Mix together and store this in a jar. Refrigerate this for 10 hours and then you can use it on regular basis.

3. Green tea night cream

Green tea contains antioxidants which help to promote glowing and supple skin. It proves effective in removing impurities and dirt from the skin. Aloe vera gel helps to restore suppleness, while rose water keeps your skin glowing. Here’s a quick recipe to make green tea night cream at home.

Ingredients required:
• 1 spoon of green tea extract
• 1 spoon of rose water
• 1 spoon of almond oil
• 1 spoon of essential oil
• 1 spoon of aloe vera gel
• 3-4 spoons of beeswax

Take beeswax in a double boiler and add almond oil and essential oil to it. Allow the beeswax to melt completely and keep it stirring. Switch off the gas and add aloe vera gel and rose water to it. Mix all the ingredients and add green tea extract at the end. Store this in a bottle and place it in the refrigerator for some time.

Source: makeupandbeauty.com