Smokey blue we all can do!

Winter is finally here. So that means we can’t create the same looks we did until now and have to switch up to winter colors. That means we should go darker and smoother. And smokier and bluer.

Sometimes we learn to be comfortable in something, get used to it and are skeptical to try something you would never usually do. Well, doing something different sometimes can lead to good results.

YouTuber Amy-Rose Walker decided to step out of her comfort zone and bring us a dramatic winter makeup look tutorial. It is all about smokey blue eyes and dark lips. This look can be perfect for a photo shoot or a night out with the girls.

She used the Urban Decay Spectrum Palette to create this masterpiece. People seemed to love this judging on the comments:

“Somehow you made blue look warm! Haha I love it <3 xx.”

“This pallet is definitely on my Christmas list!!! Also love your top the color suits your skin tone beautifully.”

Take a look at the video below for step by step explanation.
