Valentine’s Day is here, but don’t you fret – it’s still not too late to choose the perfect hairstyle. And here to help is Jordan with a simple but stunning heart bun to mark the occassion.
You will only need ten minute tops to complete this half-up heart and according to Jordan, the hairstyle would be perfect for any romantic event, whether it’s an anniversary, a wedding or just a date.
Although not a public holiday in any country, Saint Valentine’s Day is one of the world’s best known events. Although today widely associated with the romantic love context which the rest of the world adopted from the Anglo-American cultural sphere, in some countries the 14th of February is still strongly associated with the advent of spring. In Southeastern Europe, it is believed plants start growing on this day and in some countries, it is celebrated as a folk holiday after which work in the vineyards and the fields commences.
So pull up your hair in a beautiful heart bun and enjoy the day.
If old European folk traditions are to be trusted, that’ when spring starts, and it won’t be long until summer, so don’t forget to love and allow to be loved.