When we look at glossy cover magazines and television shows, fashion ramps, we wonder how the girls keep their hair naturally beautiful and gorgeous. Their hair seems to always be in place. No frizz, no unruly waves or untamed hair- just shiny and natural beautiful straight hair- the mark of an indian woman. How? This is possible through various hair treatments, and one of them would be hair rebonding.

Hair rebonding is a hair treatment that can change your looks completely. However, before you rush to the parlour to do the same, we would like to in detail talk about it. This will help you have a better understanding and help you choose the right hair technician to get you the desired look you want as well. Hence, please read on and be well-informed.

What Is Hair Rebonding?

Hair rebonding is a chemical treatment. Every hair type is born with a natural bond. Some have wavy hair and some have super curly hair, which are the results of the natural bonds in the hair that make the hair this way. A relaxant or a cream is used when rebonding the hair is done as a treatment, which helps breakdown the structure of the hair. After this, the hair technician would use a neutraliser, which helps rebond the structure of the hair again. And this is what makes the hair straight. In short, hair rebonding is a treatment that brings a new look and life to the hair’s natural structure; it restructures the bond and gives it a bounce.

It helps straighten your hair and makes it shiny and sleek. The procedure is expensive and permanent. With regard to the prices, it would vary from one salon to the next, and also on the quality, nature, texture and the length of your hair too.

Now that you have an idea on what rebonding is and what it does to your hair, let’s take a look at the step by step process of hair rebinding for better understanding.

The Process Of Rebonding

When you walk into the parlour to get the hair rebonding treatment done, the hair technician would first check the type of hair you possess, the hair length and the hair thickness. Be ready to spend almost a day at the salon, should your hair be mid length, and more if it is super long. For neck length hair, the rebonding time could be upto three to four hours. With that being said, here are the steps for hair rebonding.

  1. Once the initial hair consultation is done, the client’s hair is washed using a very mild shampoo. Conditioner isn’t applied in this stage, and a good dose of blow dry is used to dry the hair with medium heat.
  1. Hair sectioning is done and parts are created, and then the cream softener or the hair relaxant is applied onto the hair shafts- each shaft is cared for and is combed straight, or a thin board is used below the hair to keep the hair straight.
  1. Once this is done, the cream softener or the relaxant that was used would have to sit on the hair for at least thirty minutes. This tenure can vary because of the hair type and texture- more or less than thirty minutes would be the decision of the hair technician solely at this stage. But the technician would check it now and then, so that the hair does not get too warm, or else it could harm the hair.
  1. When the thirty minutes are done, the hair is steamed for ten to forty minutes, and once again it would be basis on the hair type and the texture of the client. And after the steaming is done, you would be taken for a hair rinse.
  1. Your hair would now be blow dried and a keratin lotion would be applied to the hair.
  1. Once the application of the keratin lotion is done, the hair technician would warm up the flat iron.
  1. The purpose of the flat iron is to further straighten the hair and break away any frizz and curls if found. The heat of the iron should not be more than 180 degrees at any given point in time. The best iron would be to use a ceramic one and not a metal one. Until the hair is satisfactorily straightened, the hair expert would be at it till it straightens out and shines out.
  1. With a tail comb and once the straightening is done, the hair would be parted again and then the neutraliser would be applied. The job of the neutraliser would be to help set the bonds of the hair and to stabilise each strand too. It would be kept on the hair for another half an hour.
  1. Once the half an hour is over, the neutraliser would be washed off with cold water. The hair then would be blow dried once again and hair serum would be applied.
  1. A last ironing touch would be given with the help of a straight iron, and this brings about straight, silky and shiny sleek hair.

So these were the main steps that are followed religiously by the hair technician to get hair rebonding done. The buck does not stop there; if you want the hair to be beautiful and long lasting after the hair rebonding treatment, there are a few things to adhere to post the treatment. Please check them below and be aware!

How To Take Care Of Rebonded Hair

It is important for you to care for your rebonded hair as soon as it is done, or else you wont have a beautiful crowning glory to flaunt and show off. So here are a couple of pointers to keep in mind which will help with the health and maintenance of your hair.

  1. Only use a shampoo meant for straight hair- ask your hair technician to suggest a shampoo particularly for you
  1. A conditioner should be used each time you shampoo your hair- ask the expert to help you with the name of some best conditioners for your hair type.
  1. After towel drying each time, your hair should be touched up with hair serum- ask your expert to suggest a name of serum for your hair type.
  1. Hair oiling should be done regularly for hair nourishment and moisturizing.
  1. DIY natural hair masks should be used as hair spa at home once a week. Speak to the hair technician to know which hair spa or hair mask to use once a week according to your hair type.
  1. Hot oil treatment or steam treatment for your hair helps trap the moisture in the hair, which is good and should be done twice a month- every fifteen days. This is the best way to do deep conditioning too.
  1. Your diet should be balanced and plenty of nuts and sprouts, proteins and vitamins should be consumed.

Now that you know the main tips on after care for rebonded hair, let’s take a look at the precautions to maintain for those that hair rebonded their hair.

Precautions To Be Taken After Hair Rebonding

  1. You should never allow your hair to be exposed directly under the sun or out in the pollution. At all costs, your hair should be protected and covered with a scarf when you go out everyday. This is because, hair which is rebonded can be attacked faster by the UV rays of the sun and free radicals, much more than untreated hair.
  1. Ensure that a spa is done for your hair to trap moisture levels and to prevent dehydration of hair. If the hair is too dry, it gets very brittle and tougher to comb and manage. This makes the hair weaker and the hair would break and fall too.
  1. Stay away from very warm to hot water, you should never wash your hair with high temperature water at any cost. If you have to care for your hair, and if you want it to be beautiful and frizz free or smooth always, cold water should be used to wash your hair with.

Now that you know about the main precautions you need to take after rebonding your hair, let’s talk about the side effects of hair rebonding.

Side Effects Of Hair Rebonding

While rebonding for sure does change your looks and gives you a different personality altogether, there are side effects to deal with as well. Here are some discussed below-

  1. Irrespective of how cautious you are, there are chances that the hair which is chemically treated would be damaged a little bit and this could leave the hair brittle too.
  1. In chemical treatments such as hair rebonding, the roots of the hair would get weak and the chances of hair fall increases. This is why your hair expert would insist on getting hair spas every fifteen days which helps maintain the health of the hair and to prevent the loss of hair too.
  1. Hair rebonding can burn your hair, because of the chemicals used in it and the flat iron too; hence always choose an expert with immense experience of the same, to ensure he or she knows what they are doing to your hair.
  1. Your hair needs to be kept loose and open most of the times. If you knot it or tie it into a bun or a plait, chances are damages could happen.
  1. For every touch up you sit for rebonding, the hair roots are further weakened and damaged over time.

Now that you have a fair understanding on what the side-effects are; think about the same if you want to get hair rebonding treatment done or not? But there are other alternatives too, such as hair smoothening, if you wish not to get hair rebonding done. Here below are the differences mentioned!

Hair Smoothening Vs. Hair Rebonding

With rebonding of hair and smoothening of hair, the two are hair treatments that straighten and soften the hair and bring about a sleek look. But the two have differences-

  1. With rebonding, the results are better for people who have coarse and thick hair or very unmanageable and curly hair. Smoothening is best suited with frizzy hair or hair which is wavy.
  1. Rebonding is a term which involves the straightening of hair. Smoothening is a term which involves is making the hair smooth and getting the frizz away for good.
  1. Longevity wise, rebonding is a permanent treatment, but the same cannot be said for smoothening.
  1. With regard to the damage quotient the hair sustains, rebonding does a lot of damage to hair because of the high amount of chemicals used. In comparison, the same would be lesser with smoothening of hair.
  1. If you are looking for an au naturale look, rebonding does not help with the same, and ends up looking very artificial. However, with smothening, the results tend to bend towards a very natural look.

We hope the differences are cleared up and you can make your mind up to know what treatment plan to choose. Let’s finalise this with tips for after care and for hair rebonding before we end.


  1. the chemicals used in hair rebonding have to settle in and seep in well, which is why you are told never to wet your hair for the next five days after the treatment is done or the rebonding session is done. This will make your hair greasy but you have to obey this rule.
  1. Never push the hair behind your ears and do not tie or tuck your hair at all after the treatment is done for a couple of days. The hair would acquire an unruly shape and the purpose of straightening would be drained. Even when you sleep, make sure the hair is loose and straight.
  1. Use only a shampoo meant for straight hair, and it would be best to use the one which your hair expert recommends- after three days of the treatment being done. A conditioner too needs to be used as well after the shampooing is done
  1. Do not use any heating or styling tools or blow drying for a couple of days. If you have to dry your hair, use the cold blast on the dryer for not more than a minute
  1. don’t tamper or treat your hair or colour your hair for another six months. Your hair needs time to settle and to relax. It is vulnerable and tired at this point in time.
  1. Regular hair trims are a must or else the hair would not be in tip top condition and split ends may develop which can damage the hair further.
  1. Never ever use hot water to wash the hair with; moisture is lost and the hair would turn dry
  1. Scalp should be clean always or else it would lead to dandruff and itching
  1. Wide toothed combs should be used at all times or the hair can frizz and turn static
  1. Daily use of hair serum is a must or else the hair would not be protected from the dirt and pollutants around
  1. Use a leave in conditioner always to retain moisture
  1. Stay away from extreme weather temperatures as much as possible
  1. Hair spas every fifteen days are a must
  1. Follow a balanced diet
  1. Drink a lot of water

We hope this information on hair rebonding comes in handy. Please only go to a certified expert or a salon of repute for this chemical treatment; your hair is precious and you don’t want anyone messing around with it.

Source: fashionlady.in