It seems like braiding becomes the new curling iron for making that perfect hairstyle. Summer is coming soon, and that brings so much harshness on your hair. Sun heat, salt water, and frequent washing end up in dry hair. Now all this combined with a hair dryer and a curling iron is a no-no for a summer hairstyle. What more can you ask for than a fine elegant way to put all your hair up and protect it from the sun, than to Dutch braid it? Yeah, we’ve heard it’s as tough to make as it looks so, but don’t you want to look like a Greek Goddess? You will fall in love with this amazing enthusiastic YouTube uploader, who is definitely leading in step by step braiding.

Milana, signed as Milabu on her YouTube channel, is a beauty addict. Not only is she making creative hairstyle videos, but her dry humour can easily make your day better too. She even has a bit on reading her hate comments, and she is just hilarious! You can find braids, makeup, and outfit videos that will surely make you want to watch this energetic girl again. Her videos are informative, creative, but, most importantly, entertaining.

Get some great tips on how to deal with thin hair and which spray to use, which is very important for the perfect hairstyle, as Milabu points out.

In the video below you can finally learn how to transform that ordinary Halo braid into a modern and sophisticated Dutch halo WOW braid. Get ready to reach the beach this summer, looking all godess-like, and, yeah, stylish.
