It seems like every time I think that we have exhausted every possible nail pattern and ornament there is, a new one will pop up out of the blue. Nails vary in shape, size and patterns. Most of the time, they are the perfect canvas to show off one’s craftsmanship and innovativeness. People seem to run with novelty. The Internet era is fast paced and unforgiving. Artists are doing their best to stay on top of the game. Just the other day, I ran into tattoo-inspired nail art which neatly plays into the tattoo mania that overtook the world in the last decade. The tattoo nail art might be just the right thing for the faint at heart.
1. Like A Rolling Stone
This vintage inspired, rock’n’roll nails take my breath away with their naivete and childlike in manner.
2. The Lumberjack and the Seafarer
Beards and nautical regalia took over a couple of years ago. It found its ways into tattooing as well.
3. The Tim Burton Aesthetics
I love these nails. They remind me so much of some of Burton’s animated works.
4. Medieval Insignia
The moon and the sun. Absolutely fantastic.
5. Smilies
Nice shout out to the 90s with those smiley faces.
6. Tattoo Parlor Walls
These nails are truly a homage to the art itself that they are trying to imitate.