Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus Communis plant, grown commercially for pharmaceutical uses. Its medicinal and industrial uses are plenty, that it has taken worldwide popularity for being versatile. It addresses a wide range of problems, from healthy hair to stomach issues. The omega-9 fatty acid that is contained by castor oil is thought to be the reason behind it’s benefits & facts.

Facts About Castor Oil :

  • It has Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral properties which are helpful in ways more than one.
  • Improves Lymph Fluid Flow by reducing the swelling lymphatic nodes.
  • Constipation Cure. Also, lessens the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • It treats your ulcers and ring worms by killing the fungi present on the skin.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties which helps cure arthritis.
  • The Ricinus seed of the plant from which castor oil is derived is poisonous.
  • The nutrition present in castor oil is benefiting with healthy acids and calories.

Nutritional Value : Like most vegetable oils, castor oil contains about 120 calories per teaspoon, of which the oils mostly consist of fats and no protein, carbohydrates or fiber significantly. Containing Riciloneic acid, which is not edible, it is not suitable to add this to edible foods while cooking.

Castor Oil has a number of enriching properties that work on giving healthy hair, skin and deal with eyecare etc.

Let’s see how these properties benefit us for hair.

Benefits Of Castor Oil – Hair

Castor oil eliminates all the issues that prevent healthy hair. With the help of the essential nutrients it contains, it nourishes the scalp and strengthens the roots with numerous recipes at your comfort.
Although there are many other ways it could benefit you.

1. Extra Growth

Trust castor oil, for hair double the length of what you have now. Its ingredients consist of ricinoleic acid and omega- 6 fatty acid that accelerate the blood flow in the scalp helping the hair roots to become stronger. This increases the hair growth and along with nutrients make them emerge stronger.

2. Treats Scalp Infections

Castor oil has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that fights most scalp infections. It treats itchy scalps, bald patches and fights dandruff to a large extent. Its properties mainly work to fight the pathogens and micro-organisms that are the root cause of scalp infections.

3. Removes Split Ends

Split ends are caused by rough hair cuticles, castor oil when applied, penetrates deep into the pores and helps to even out the rough cuticles. This prevents the hair from splitting into two.

4. Acts As A Natural Conditioner

Castor oil as known, penetrates deep into the scalp letting hair regain its lost lustre and shine. It smooths out the hair from the roots, thus reducing the frizz factor also. Its outstanding conditioning and moisturizing properties serve as an ideal remedy to work on attaining lustrous hair.

5. Reduces Premature Greying Of Hair

One of the few oils that help in darkening of hair naturally is castor oil. It reverses the effects of sun damage on hair which could be the cause of graying hair. Massaging castor oil into the hair on a regular basis can gradually darken all the gray hair that is present, turning it to the usual black or brown colour.

While the benefits are plenty for hair, do you know how to choose the right type of castor oil that fixes your hair?

Castor Oils That Would Suit Your Hair

There are numerous castor oils out there in the market. It is always best to go for any product that has more organic content than chemical. So, always prefer the most natural castor oil that is available. Buy a castor oil that is suitable for cosmetic use and make sure it is not an industrial soil grade oil.
You could differentiate natural castor oil as it has a colourless or light yellow colour shade to it. The natural castor oil is cold pressed and organic, free from pesticides and chemicals, giving the hair no side effects.

Just buying the right castor oil does no good, unless it is used at the right times and in the right doses.

How Often To Use Castor Oil On Hair : Everytime before a hairwash, be sure to massage castor oil into the scalp. 3 times a week is minimum and highly recommended.

Best Castor Oil Hair Product : Jamaican Black Castor Oil. (JBCO)

Why Recommended : JBCO is highly recommended because of its added benefits over normal castor oil. In JBCO, castor beans are roasted in the making which is an advantage.

In case, the castor oil hair product isn’t available, we always have the best alternative for you.

Castor Oil Hair Serum Recipe

Ingredients : Castor Oil (3 tablespoons), Jajoba Oil/Argan Oil (1 tablespoon)

How To Make :

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a dark dropper bottle.
  2. Mix the ingredients well, by shaking the bottle enough.
  3. With the help of dropper, drop few drops onto the partings of hair.
  4. Part the hair into sections, and keep dropping oil onto the sections. Part by 1/2 inch extra each time.
  5. Massage the oil well into the scalp.

Now that you’re confident about healthy hair, let’s get to maintaining your eye care.

Benefits Of Castor Oil – Eyes

Eyes, the most sensitive and aesthetic parts of your body needs a high grade castor oil to begin with. While there are numerous products promising to cure eye related issues ripping off our pockets, with the added advantage that only the best products can be used for the eyes, castor oil tries to bridge the gap between treatment and cost in an effective manner.

Castor Oil has become the most famous restorative home remedy for eyes and the solution to many eye problems.

1. Removes Dark Circles

Age brings about dark circles and castor oil fights to remove those dark circles. It’s not only age, but even sleep deprivation, stress, unbalanced diet can all lead to dark circles under the eye. Castor oil works on dark circles by rejuvenating the skin letting the dark circles fade gradually.

Tip : It is advised to mix castor oil with a tinge of cream or coconut oil before application on the dark circle area. This is particularly useful for sensitive skin as you do not know how castor oil reacts to your skin.

2. Removes Eye Wrinkles

Under-eye wrinkles make you look older than you are which is unnecessary. Commercial products are plenty to solve this issue burning a hole in our pockets, so castor oil emerges as the best green alternative to this issue. The absorbing properties of castor oil fights with the deepest and wrinkliest skin under your eyes preventing them.

Tip : Use a cleanser and toner to wash the face before application of castor oil beneath the eye at the wrinkles. Leave the castor oil on the under-eye wrinkles skin for about 20mins before washing the face again.

3. Thickens Eyelashes

Long eyelashes is every girls dream and the intense beauty that it exudes is no match to even the best of mascaras donned onto the eyelash. The nutrients in castor oil give more strength to the eyelash and prevent it from frequent falling out and even helps in growing and thickening it to a large extent.

Tip : Remove all traces of makeup before putting castor oil on the eyelashes with the help of a eyeliner brush.

4. Dry Eye Cure

Dry eye is a condition where there is lack of lubricant in the eye causing blurred vision at night, eye pain, blurred vision after long work hours on computer etc. Pure castor oil solves this problem by acting as the ideal lubricant that can turn your dry eyes around keeping them alright.

Tip : Take a clean dropper to put one drop of castor oil into each eye. It is best to repeat this atleast thrice a day, especially before bedtime for fastest results.

5. Cataract Control

Cataract can pose to be a serious problem when left untreated. The later stages of cataract make the problem itself hard to resolve. So, use castor oil to dissolve the cataract in the earlier stages itself and beat the problem at its root.

Tip : Put a drop of castor oil into each eye only once, and that is at bed time. Sleep will ensure faster cure of of the cataract and help dissolve it as eyes are at complete rest.

6. Treat Infections

Eye infections are common once in a while, be it a burning sensation, redness, pink-eye and they are all either caused due to inflammation or non-inflammatory infective bacteria. Castor oil is the perfect remedy without any medical guidance to these issues and helps in easing the inflammation.

Tip : Use a dropper to drop castor oil into each eye, and if the infection is around the eye too, use your ring finger gently rubbing the oil around the eye.

7. Prevents Eye Strain

Long hours of watching TV, working on computers, reading books, as usual daily chores can our eyes to feel weary and tired. Castor oil eases the eyes providing fast relief and relaxation.

Tip : After a day of work, put one drop of castor oil in each eye and have a sleep. If not sleep, close eyes for about 10-15 minutes.

It gives so much relief to know that something as simple as castor oil could benefit our eyes to large extents, but the trick lies in using the most suitable oils for those eyes.

Castor Oils That Would Suit Your Eyes

Always go for a refrigerated cold pressed castor oil of the highest grade for your eyes. Eyes are very sensitive and be sure to use no other alternative if there is not high grade of castor oil available. The refrigerated pressed castor oil is always soothing to the eyes and incurs no side effects when used in moderation. However, it’s best to first give a trial of castor oil with your eyes before taking on the application for a long run.

When do I use this castor oil for my eyes? That’s what we are here to let you know.

How Often To Use Castor Oil On Eyes : Varies for each eye problem. (As mentioned in the benefits accordingly to each problem)

Best Castor Oil Eye Product : Pure Organic Castor Oil.

Why Recommended : Pure Organic Castor Oil has no impurities that can harm or cause adverse effects on sensitive parts like the eyes, hence one of the best castor oils to be used.

There’s nothing as satisfying as clear and soothing skin, at the cost of literally nothing. So, let castor oil work its magic on you in these ways.

Benefits Of Castor Oil – Skin

Castor Oil has been used topically for skin benefits from a very long time and no single medicine seems to replace it, considering its massive uses and cures from the simplest to complicated skin issues. This oil penetrates into the skin, hydrating, moisturizing and softening the skin for a youthful look.

1. Moisturizes Skin

Dry flaky skin especially is in dire need of castor oil due to it’s highly hydrating properties. Castor oil gets absorbed rather quickly into the skin moisturizing the skin from the deep pores itself. The skin is nourished with plenty of fatty acids and this stays for a long run during the day. Make sure to rub the castor oil between your palms and then onto your respective dry skin areas to maintain an even coat.

2. Instant Treatment For Skin Problems

There are skin problems that appear out of the blue, disappointing us. Warts, acne, skin tags, all produced due to various reasons have one common solution, which is castor oil. Castor oil application for a week or two regularly can help get rid of these issues.

3. Prevents Stretch Marks

The same way that castor oil helps in preventing wrinkles, is how it works its wonders to stretch marks too in preventing them. When castor oil is applied to the skin regularly, it softens the skin restoring the elasticity of the skin and in turn avoiding the stretch marks.

What are the basics to look out for in a castor oil for skin?

Castor Oils That Would Suit Your Skin

Any skin type has basic rules that any oil should follow to be the ideal choice for skin. The oil should be absorbed into the skin quickly, not leave any patchy parts, not overly shiny and should make the skin look supple. Every castor oil gets absorbed into the skin soon but what matters is that, if this oil is going to be applied on your face, you better choose only the high grade oil.

The frequency at which castor oil needs to be used on skin is not necessarily like normal body oils.

How Often To Use Castor Oil On Skin : Not necessary to apply everyday. Just apply for a week or two when any of skin issues that it addresses arises.

Best Castor Oil Skin Product : Heritage Store Organic Castor Oil

Why Recommended : This castor oil is eco friendly and claims to be of the highest quality. The claims have also been testified with user reviews. It works excellent on dry skin problems and solves most skin related issues faster than the rest.

Not only skin, hair, and eye benefits but your overall health also reaps benefits from castor oil.

Benefits Of Castor Oil – Health

The possible applicable illnesses that castor oil provides relief from are plenty including rheumatism, menstrual disorders, constipation, oral care, proper lactation, birth control, hair care, and skin care. How it helps the possible health issues in an effective manner is what you need to know, to treat your illnesses like a pro.

1. Rheumatism

The various acids found in castor oil are the cure to rheumatism due to its ability to penetrate through the skin easily. The castor oil is sometimes mixed with other substances to enhance its effectiveness in curing rheumatism, gout etc.

2. Menstrual Disorders

The Ricinoleic acid present in castor oil helps to ease the menstruation pain, and even helps open menstruation in case of delayed, obstructed menstruation. Make a castor oil pack and put it on the lower abdomen, or apply castor oil over the abdomen to ease the pain.

3. Birth Control

Castor oil is known to contain a toxic substance called ricin, which is supposedly harmful if not administered the right way. When injected in lower dosages, ricin takes the role of a germicide as well as spermicide. The same substance when injected in higher doses, is known to complete the abortion process even though it’s advisable to consult a doctor before this decision.

4. Constipation

The prime laxative property is the center of attention in evacuating the bowels and clearing the issue of constipation.

5. Lactation

Castor oil eases the milk flow and the secretion of milk, also enhancing the quantity of milk that is secreted out. The quantity of milk is increased due to the presence of fatty acids in the oil. Although be careful, to only take low dosages of cold pressed castor oil to avoid adverse effects.

6. Weight Loss

Castor oil can help you lose weight gradually and it does this in an effective health aspect by alleviating the problem of water retention in the body. It can be orally consumed in a limited dosage as a laxative.

As lactation, birth control etc are sensitive issues that need to be monitored constantly, see what type of oils and when they need to applied.

7. Relieves Muscle Soreness

Castor Oil is your ideal partner for aching muscles and soreness in body parts. It is the perfect massage oil which when rubbed gently and massaged on the body can relieve the overworked muscles helping them to relax. The oil can be used right after a workout., vigorous exercise, sports etc.

8. Relieves Joint Pain

The lymph vessels get congested while carrying the waste from the tissues to the blood and this results in joint pains and arthritis. Castor oil when applied tries to ease the congestion in that part and gets the lymph moving freely like before.

Castor Oils That Would Suit Your Health

There are no particular castor oils to opt for in this section. On a general note, an organic castor oil is always the best, if otherwise mentioned in the above benefits about specifications of castor oil for that particular problem.

How Often To Use Castor Oil For Health : It is not a prescribes term to use castor oil for health, until a health issue that it administers arises.


Q. What is the use of castor oil?

A. The uses of castor oil are not limited, and extend to different sectors of health including haircare, skincare, eye problems, internal issues. Trust castor oil to treat your problem in most sectors. The acids and nutrients present in it enrich the body.

Q. What does castor oil do for your hair growth?

A. Castor oil has ricinoleic acid and omega 6 fatty acids which help accelerate blood circulation in scalp and work on nourishing and strengthening hair. This promotes hair growth as well as shine.

Q. Is there organic castor oil?

A. Yes. Organic castor oil exists and is most preferred due to the non-presence of toxins and chemicals that could have an adverse effect. These organic oils are available at super markets itself.

Q. Is castor oil good for acne?

A. Castor oils contain trigylceride acids which are anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-septic that kill the bacteria which produces acne. Hence, castor oil is an amazing remedy to your acne.

Q. How to use castor oil for skin?

A. Castor oil is used in numerous ways depending on the skin problem. Mostly for all skin issues, you should wash your face with a cleanser and use a toner soon after before dabbing a cotton ball with castor oil and applying.

Q. Is castor oil good for you?

A. Due to its vast benefits, it’s of-course good. It’s good and safe when consumed in sufficient good amount, without overdoing the dose. It’s benefits outweigh the risks.

Q. Is castor oil antibacterial?

A. It has anti-bacterial properties that help in fighting infections and protecting the body against most bacterial issues.

Q. Is castor oil edible?

A. Yes, castor oil is edible when consumed in small quantities.

Q. Where does castor oil come from?

A. Castor Oil is derived from the seeds of the plant Ricinus communis. This is done by pressing the seeds in various forms to extract the oil.

Q. Why is castor oil not toxic?

A. The hull of the castor seed contains ricin which is said to be poisonous. Although, castor oil is its form isn’t toxin or poisonous and is safe for use in particular doses.

Q. What is the taste of castor oil?

A. It has a fairly bland taste, giving out the thick oil or petroleum jelly feel.

Q. Is castor oil a great moisturizer?

A. Yes, most definitely. Castor oil is absorbed deep into the skin nourishing it with fatty acids and keeping it moisturized throughout.

Castor Oil has infinite benefits and is definitely a winner in all competitions. The only care that needs to be taken is in administering it in low dosages so as to avoid side effects. Make the most of this reasonable healthy option to cure your issues. Say bye to health, hair, skin and eye related problems in a matter of weeks.


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