At the beginning of a busy week at school or work, we count the days down to the weekend. We try to make the best of it before a long, stressful Monday steps in again.
If you are planning a night out with your girls and can’t really decide what your look is going to be like, don’t worry because we have everything figured out.
YouTube channel PrettyLilMzGrace is here today to show us how she does her own makeup on weekends. It is quite simple and fun and it actually doesn’t contain a lot of eyeshadow or drama.
She creates a clear and contoured look for her foundation and for the eyes, she adds the drama with big eyelashes. Her brows are well shaped and for the lips she decides to finish with cute pink nude.
You can clearly see how easy it is to create and how fresh it looks. People also seemed to love it judging by the comments they wrote:
“Omgggg I think your the only gorgeous makeup artist on YouTube I discovered ahhhh.”
“Girl you are gorgeous!! Had to sub :)”
If you are willing to try, click the video below. Get some practice in for this weekend!