This design is easier than it looks, so you’ll be party-ready in no time!
Here, a how-to on sexy scalloped nails, thanks to manicurist Madeline Poole.
What you’ll need:
1. Basecoat
2. Sheer pink nail color
3. A pin head
4. A classic red polish
5. Topcoat
1. Create a beautiful base. After you’ve filed your nails into the desired shape, push back your cuticles — DO NOT CUT THEM! — and apply a basecoat. Then, sweep two coats of a sheer pink polish over your nails.
2. Spill some red polish onto a piece of foil and dip the pin head into it. Begin by lightly dabbing the first dot onto the center tip of your nail, re-dip the pin head into the polish spill, and then create two more dots on both sides of the center one, leaving the smallest amount of space in between. Next, create two more dots, again re-dipping each time, and remembering to leave space in between. Note: it’s okay if you can only fit half of a dot closest to the sides of your finger.
3. Connect the dots. Using the bottle brush, lightly drag the tip of it across the edge of your nail to create the scalloped effect. Let that dry for a couple of minutes and finish with topcoat.
Finally, pin, Instagram, and tweet out your sexy scalloped nail look because, girl, your digits look professionally done. Oh, and have an amazing time painting the town red!