Ombré Lip Tutorial
You’ve probably heard of ombré haircolor (darker roots with lighter ends), but now the gradation color trend is moving to the mouth. Here, why you should try it (hint: it has aRead More…
You’ve probably heard of ombré haircolor (darker roots with lighter ends), but now the gradation color trend is moving to the mouth. Here, why you should try it (hint: it has aRead More…
Ask a panel of women the one makeup item they can’t leave home without, and you’ll likely hear mascara multiple times. It’s an essential. But honestly, putting it on is not thatRead More…
The presence of hair on the upper lip can be a fairly major issue for women, from the perspective of physical appearance. In the majority of cases, this is nothing more thanRead More…
Everyone wants their nails to grow fast and strong. They add beauty to your hands. Plus, healthy nail growth reflects the state of your overall health. Nails are made of the sameRead More…
This article will be super-interesting for all the ladies out there who’d want to have gorgeous, voluptuous locks in no time, but that’s all the ladies, right? This may sound super-difficult andRead More…
There’s nothing fishy about that fishtail! This video will be a god-given gift for anyone out there who is struggling with creating the trendy fishtail braid. The ‘fishtail’ style of braiding isRead More…
If you hate school, doesn’t mean you should show up to class all messy and disordered. It could totally be your place to show off your hair skillz. It also gives youRead More…
When you’re clueless about makeup, it’s pretty hard to go to a store and choose the right products. You won’t know what to do, you’ll try them on… You’ll end up lookingRead More…
99% of us humans are born with hands. It’s kinda difficult to imagine life without them, really. Hands are useful for a lot of things. Well, by a lot, we mean ofRead More…
Every single girl out there goes through a time where all she needs is a change. That’s where the “short hair, don’t care” motto comes in. You feel fresh and sexy andRead More…