Tis the season, as they say. Just imagine the scene: fireplace crackling away, Home Alone or Santa Clause playing on the TV, several kids with glowing eyes waiting for Santa to put theRead More…
Here’s An Excellent Holiday Hair Tutorial To Get Your Face In The Holiday Spirit
Holiday look time! The holiday season is finally here. It’s the end of the year, and it’s that time when family members gather around to celebrate Christmas. The smell of the turkeyRead More…
Get Your Locks Braided: A Tutorial On Three Easy Hairstyles
Get braided for the holidays, and you know you’ll look good. A hairstyle is an important part of a girl’s appearance. Scratch that, a hairstyle is what can make your day overRead More…
20 Genius Tricks for Painting Your Nails & Removing Polish
Although it seems kind of impossible to have 20 useful nail tricks in one short video, Janelle Estep has nailed it. After she searched Youtube, Pinterest and other social networks she madeRead More…
13 Unusual Tattoos Filled With Meaning
During the past few decades, tattooing has come a long way from a societal taboo to a widespread trend. A tattoo used to be something you got in the army from aRead More…
A Tutorial On A Simple Soft Wave Hairstyle By Luxy Hair
You probably noticed by now how inspired we are by Luxy Hair videos. But can you blame us, the channel has everything! Especially in this needy holiday time, and at the endRead More…
Three Easy Hairstyles That Require NO Heat
Oh, if only styling your hair could be as easy as snapping your fingers… But no. It has to involve, tools, time, skills, heat… Or, does it require heat? Of course, youRead More…
Three Easy Hairstyles If You Suffer From Oily Hair
Wefeel with those who are born with problematic hair, or have problematic hair due to dying it or something. And don’t get us started on oily hair, ugh. Of course, just becauseRead More…
The Best Prom Hairstyle | Luxy Hair Extensions
For many, especially those in the movies, the best part about high school is prom night. This will be a discussion from the moment you get your locker. By the time youRead More…
Elegant Bun For Big Events | Luxy Hair
Big events can be super stressful. Outside of the actual event, you have everything to take care of on your body, like hair, makeup, outfit, nails, shoes and jewelry. Yeah guys, being aRead More…